Planned Giving to SLCG

When you make a planned gift to St. Louis Classical Guitar you will ensure the music

will continue now and for years to come. New generations will learn to play

and appreciate classical guitar music!


“As a member since 1980 and a former Executive Director, I am very proud of St. Louis Classical Guitar’s progress and commitment to building community through music experiences of great personal significance. I invite you to join me in making a legacy gift to SLCG.  I have made such a gift  through my estate plan and I hope you will join me in doing so. It will provide for our future growth and stability, ensuring that St. Louis area students continue to have the opportunity to learn to play and perform on this beautiful instrument! “  - William Ash

Benefits of a Planned Gift

·       Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.

·       You can modify your bequest to address changing circumstances.

·       Your gifts are fully tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Dedicate your gift to a cause important to you, such as…

  • John Clayton Tribute - Proceeds go towards ‘Inside Classical Guitar’ Radio Show or General Operations

  • Kathy Ash Memorial Fund - Proceeds go towards General Operations

    or KJEA Memorial Fund

  • In Memory of Margaret Gilleo - Proceeds go towards Guitar Horizons or General Operations

    In Memory of Clifford Eise - Proceeds go towards Guitar Horizons or General Operations

  • Guitar Horizons - Proceeds go towards guitar education programming in St. Louis schools and institutions.

Retirement Accounts, Life Insurance & Annuities

You can choose to designate SLCG as a beneficiary of all or a portion of your Life Insurance policy or your IRA, 401K, or other retirement plan. These assets do not flow through your Will or Living Trust; the proceeds go directly to SLCG, and are exempt from estate taxes. Click sample language here.

Whatever your objectives, we will be happy to work with you in planning a bequest that will be satisfying, economical and effective in carrying out your wishes in our important mission. Contact Brian Vaccaro at , 314-567-5566 and we can answer your questions and assist you through every step of the process of making a planned gift.

When you include St. Louis Classical Guitar in your will, trust or name us as a beneficiary of an IRA or life insurance policy, please let us know so we can properly recognize you.

Planned giving options include:

The most popular planned gift is a bequest made through a Will or Living Trust. Bequests are usually a set dollar amount or a percentage of an estate that is given to the nonprofit upon the donor’s passing. You can include a bequest to SLCG in a new will or living trust, or add it to an existing one through a simple amendment called a “codicil.”

General information needed to make a planned gift to SLCG:
Legal name: St. Louis Classical Guitar
Presently located at: 3224 Locust Street #2H, St. Louis, MO  63103
Federal Tax ID No. (EIN): 43-1131456


Charitable gifts must be made from your estate or living trust with specific language. Click below for a sample language document to be used as a suggestion with one’s own legal counsel:

The information above is not intended to be used as legal or tax advice. Contact your own appropriate advisors to discuss the benefits and effects of any particular charitable & tax strategy.